SPECIAL GUEST HEADLINE (TBA) + BEAU + Anthony Moore, Tullis Rennie and Haydn Ackerley + Effective Word Order.
Curated by Kinn and also featuring performances from Smith Parkman, Meat Strap, Miss HerNia + more TBA.
Curated by James Oldham
Could you organise a Fundraising Event for Resonance?
Do you know, or have access to, influential artists or speakers in your network that can draw a crowd and might be willing to perform at a Resonance Fundraising Event? Let us know.
Do you know a local venue who would be willing to host such an event at minimal or zero cost?
Could you organise an event in your local area with your network that draws a crowd, either with tickets or an optional donation on the door? If so, Resonance will do whatever it can to support you including running promos, mail-outs and social media posts.
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With Arts Council England funding secure until 2027, Resonance still needs to build on this support to maintain and extend our activities over the next three years.
To achieve that, monthly donations are critical. Not only can monthly giving be more convenient for supporters, it also eases our cash flow, allows us to budget more accurately and, critically, allows us to do better work overall, over a longer period, to support the Resonance community of makers and listeners.
Resonance FM and Resonance Extra are projects of London Musicians Collective Limited. Registered charity number 290236. Company Number 01557490 (England and Wales) at 7 Risborough Street, London SE1 0HF.